Wednesday 24 October 2012

Tilt Shift

Tilt Shift
Location: Clayton Heights Secondary

 Tilt Shift #1
 Tilt Shift #2
Tilt Shift #3

The Process: 
The process for taking the pictures was pretty easy but editing these images were quite difficult because using photoshop was a bit difficult. These images were all taken at a birds eye view. The first image that I took was of the parking lot outside the school. When I opened Photoshop, I unlocked the picture by double clicking the the locked picture on the right hand side of the page and put it as a layer. Then I press shift Q and shift G to enter Quick Mask Mode and Gradient Tool. The I picked an area in the image that I don't want blurred. After that, I pressed shift Q, to exit Quick Mask Mode and return to Standard Lock. Then I clicked filter, and selected a blur. Then I pressed okay to continue and my picture was blurred. I blurred my image by using the G blur. After the process of blurring the image, I pressed control D and removed the marching ants. Then I adjusted the saturation and made the image more brighter so it adds more colour. I did this process for all the images I've taken. 

1 comment:

  1. I like the angles the pictures were taken on. I also really like the colours in the images and how they bring out the picture.
