Friday Photos

Friday Photos #1
(Black & White)
Location: Google

black and white pictures of lilies

Photographer: Unknown
Place: Unknown

I chose this photo because lilies are beautiful flowers and they are my favourite flowers. I love lilies because they always calm me down whenever I'm stressed out or angry. The image looked very interested because of how there is another lily in the background but you only see half of it. This white lily symbolizes beauty. Lilies are used to express your thoughts, feelings, and emotions.

Friday Photos #2
Photographer: Gurnisha Sidhu
Place: Clayton Heights Secondary
Model: Katie

I asked her if I can take a picture of her and she said, "sure". She's a great person to talk to and a wonderful friend. Katie is also a nice person to get to know. Katie is also a very funny person.

Friday Photo #3
Location: Gurnisha's House
Model: Munny Sidhu

I chose this image to represent creepy because it freaks me out so I thought it would be a great picture to symbolize creepy. When I was younger I was always was terrified of clowns because of how they looked and the way they act. But I think I disliked clowns because my uncle was so terrified of them. My cousin's first birthday party was in a hall and they had a clown there to keep the kids entertained and I was so scared to go near it but I had to go near it. I wanted to cry. I still hate clowns till this day because they still terrify me. My cousin was dressed up as a dead clown for our halloween party. I was so scared to go near her as I hate clowns. I think I will always hate them.

Friday Photo #4
Location: Clayton Heights Secondary

I chose this spilled image because I saw it in the hallway, so I decided to take a picture of it. I needed a spilled image and as I was walking by I noticed it so I took the picture and then used it. This image is probably note the best spilled picture but I didn't know what else to take a picture of. You don't really notice the spill on the ground which I really liked. The apple juice really blended with the floor colour. 

Friday Photo #5
Location: Clayton Heights Secondary

I chose this image because there's more then one thing that is opposite. This picture is taken of Charles and Sarah. The first thing that is opposite is one boy and one girl. The second thing that is opposite is that Charles is sitting at the top and Sarah is sitting at the bottom. These two people in this image are my friends and they are both opposites because of there sex ones a female and ones a male. 

Friday Photo #6
(A Glimpse)
Location: Clayton Heights Secondary

I took this image at Clayton Heights Secondary School. I chose this picture because I liked the way this image was taken. I also like the angle the picture is taken from. This picture is of the hub and it's taken from upstairs near the railings. The personally like what you see in this image. Another reason why I liked this image is because the windows in the image and how you see everything outside the school as well. 

Friday Photo #7
Location: Cousin's House

I chose these three images as my storytelling image because it shows you a child going from sitting to crawling, and then to standing. This picture is of my niece, she's awesome and I love her. I used these three images as storytelling because it really shows her growing up. I personally love her, she always makes me happy. She always makes me laugh and puts a smile on everyone's faces. 

Friday Photo #8
(Comforting Food)
Location: Mexico

 I chose this picture because I was hungry and it looks good. This image is of a picture of my dinner that I ate in Mexico and I was looking at it the other day and I wanted it so badly. This image is of chicken with orange sauce on it, and mashed potatoes on the side with asparagus on it. The food at this restaurant was amazing. All of the restaurants that we went to and ate at were all really good. The food in Mexico at some of these restaurants are just amazing. 

Friday Photo #9
(Outdoor Beauty)
Location: Mayan Riveria, Mexico

I chose this picture because I like how the image is taken and the angle it's taken from. I personally love this image. This image was taken in Mayan Riveria, Mexico in the Dreams Hotel & Spa, when my family and I went on vacation last summer. The scenery in Mexico was just awesome and beautiful. This hotel had a few nice sceneries to take a picture of but I thought this was the best one from all of mine.  

Friday Photo #10
(Signs of Season Change)
Location: Gurnisha's Backyard of Her House

This image was taken in the winter time after a party at my house in the backyard. I chose this image because I really like the black and white effect to this image. I took this picture at my house from my porch, and it was taken from the back of my house of someones shed house. I took this picture late at night and in black and white. I personally love this image because it looks like a really old image that was taken along time ago. I just love how this picture is taken and everything in this image, this picture is perfect.

Friday Photo #11
Location: X-Calibur Bowling

This image was taken at X-Calibur bowling. I chose this picture because the bowling ball is bigger then her head and she looks really cute. I love seeing this image, it always makes me laugh. This picture is of my niece again. She was waiting to play bowling with all my cousins on one of my cousins birthday. She was the best bowler from everyone. She's the best little niece anyone can have. I think I just love her so much that I love seeing her pictures. 

Friday Photo #12
(What Makes My Heart Sing)
Location: Sea Shells 

I took this picture at my dad's friends cabin in Seas Shells in the evening when the sun was coming down. I really love this image because of the way the colours are in the sky. I think this is the perfect picture for what makes my heart sing for me because whenever I go to a beach I always tend to start humming. For some reason, I really like the orangish and pinkish colour in the sky of the image. But the orangish pinkish colour in the sky is like a fading colour from brighter to lighter, which I really like. Whenever I keep looking at this image, I just keep thinking of how you don't notice the water that much in the front part of the picture. Whenever I see a beach I always get really relaxed, happy, and makes me calm.

Friday Photo #13
Location: My House

This picture is of my niece and this image was taken at my house on Christmas Eve. My niece was disappointed that she didn't get to put the tree topper on with my brother. She wanted to play with it not help put it up. 

Friday Photo #14
(Too Much)
Location: Grandma's House

This picture is an image of my younger cousin and he was getting really annoyed by all the teddy bears around him, he just wanted to crawl out of that mess. This image was taken at my grandma's house. 

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