Thursday 8 November 2012

Erik Johansson

Erik Johansson

#1 - Cut & Fold

This image was found on Erik Johansson's website. I found this picture very interesting because the way the two roads are being cut apart and separated from the white dotted line in the middle of the road. I also like the picture because the hue and saturation is well put together. The name of this image is just perfect for this image.

 #2 - Common Sense Crossing 

This image was found on Erik Johansson's website. I personally found this picture very interesting because it makes you think which direction each car goes on an actual road. The image looks like an illusion. This picture really makes your mind go crazy thinking about the image. The name of this is personally an awesome name for this image, it really is a common sense crossing.

#3 - Vertical Turn

This last image was also found on Erik Johansson's website. I think Erik Johansson is really creative with taking his pictures  I personally love how the boy at the top is looking down the path. The boy looks very shocked looking down the ramp. I think the boy is looking down in great position. The name for this image is also perfect.

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