Monday 26 November 2012

Erik Johansson - Surreal 3D Outdoor Room

Erik Johansson - Surreal 3D Room
Surreal 3D Outdoor Room
By: Gurnisha Sidhu
Photoshopped in Adobe Photoshop CS3

The Process:

The process of this project was to find an image of a landscape on Google images. The the second step was to open it into Photoshop, unlock the background and had created a new file. After that, I moved the image to the canvas layer. The third step was to remove the sky from the image with the Lasso Tool and then replace the sky image with the old sky. Then I used the Free Transform, and used the Rectangle Marquee Tool to split the images into three parts. Then, I measured from zero to three on the ruler, which is located on the left hand side of the screen and made a rectangle. After, I moved the left wall to the new canvas, free transformed it, and moved the perspective to make a 3D look to it. I did all these steps for all my walls but from different places on the ruler. The left wall is from zero to three, the right wall is from seven to ten, and the middle wall is from four to six. Adding a floor was a little difficult because I had to pick the right floor with the right colour that would work well with my picture and the size was a bit difficult to find. But then, I found a floor and moved it into another canvas and then I had to put the floor layer on top of the walls layer so that the images would look like one piece not a bunch of pieces put together. To make the floor look like one piece with the walls, I had to create a black rectangle around the floor and had to add it to the left side, middle and right side to make it look 3D. Then, I made some adjustments to the floor colour and had to adjust the colour balance. After adjusting the colours for the whole image, I put a painter into the image. For the painter I had to separate him from the background that he was already on by using the Polygonal Lasso Tool and trace along the painter's body. After that I had to isolate the painter from the image and drag it to the canvas by using the Move Tool (V). Then I had to switch to Free Transform Mode and resize the painter. Then, I gave the painter some shadows and highlights Dodge Tool/Burn Tool (O). Then, I had to create a new layer named "Shadow of painter part two" and put this under the "Shadow of painter" layer. Then, I had to create a new layer and name it "Ladder shadow 1" and apply shadows to the ladder by using the Brush Tool (B). Then I had to adjust the ladder's colour. Then I created more shadows on the ladder and had to create a new layer and name it "Ladder Shadow 2.

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